vidulus is a member of the corporate network „Erfolgsfaktor Familie“.

The compatibility of work and family is an essential part of our human resources work. As a new member of the nationwide company network „Erfolgsfaktor Familie“, we now benefit from the experience and good examples of the more than 8,300 members that the network now comprises. With the logo „Mitglied im Unternehmensnetzwerk Erfolgsfaktor Familie“ we want to show externally and internally that the compatibility of work and family plays a major role in our company“”, explains Bastian Schwind-Wagner, Managing Director of vidulus GmbH. „We are happy about every company that becomes part of the network and shares its experiences with others. The network office bundles good practice and makes it available to member companies in various ways. Thus each enterprise finds its personal tip for operational everyday life , explains Kirsten Frohnert, project leader network office „Erfolgsfaktor Familie“.

The „Erfolgsfaktor Familie“ corporate network was founded in 2007 by the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs and the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce as a central platform for family-friendly companies. Since then, it has grown continuously and now has over 8,300 members, ranging from micro-enterprises to DAX-listed companies. With its services, the network office primarily supports small and medium-sized companies in the practical implementation of a family-friendly HR policy.