Accessible font Atkinson Hyperlegible improves readability.
We are now using the Atkinson Hyperlegible font, which is named after the founder of the Braille Institute, J. Robert Atkinson.
This typeface differs from traditional typography in that it focuses on the differentiation of letterforms to improve the
recognisability of characters and thus legibility.
vidulus is a member of the corporate network „Erfolgsfaktor Familie“.
The compatibility of work and family is an essential part of our human resources work. As a new member of the nationwide
company network „Erfolgsfaktor Familie“, we now benefit from the experience and good examples of the more than 8,300 members
that the network now comprises. With the logo „Mitglied im Unternehmensnetzwerk Erfolgsfaktor Familie“ we want to show externally
and internally that the compatibility of work and family plays a major role in our company“”, explains Bastian Schwind-Wagner,
Managing Director of vidulus GmbH.
vidulus founds subsidiary generatum GmbH.
vidulus GmbH has founded a subsidiary. With immediate effect, generatum GmbH, based in Kordel, bundles the competencies
in the areas of Amazon Web Services, software development and the development of static websites. In the future, the wholly owned subsidiary of vidulus GmbH will act as a
competence center for the digitalization of activities and processes, especially in the financial industry, including the fund industry and its extended environment.
vidulus founds subsidiary concilio et labore GmbH.
vidulus GmbH has founded a subsidiary. With immediate effect, concilio et labore GmbH, based in Kordel, Germany,
will bundle the competencies and procedures in the areas of anti-money laundering / prevention of terrorist financing, compliance and risk management. In the future,
the wholly owned subsidiary of vidulus GmbH will act as a competence center for consulting and management services, especially in the financial industry, including
the fund industry and its extended environment.